Teaching Students from a reformed christian perspective

to excel in their future and live God-glorifying lives

Today: School as planned
(Please see the school calendar in Events, above)

2024-2025 Theme: THINK ON THESE THINGS

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Philippians 4:8


Hot lunch: To be announced
Milk: Tuesday, October 15
Gift Cards: Tuesday, October 15
Ice cream: Thursday, October 17

Providing Christian Education since 2005

From Kindergarten through Grade 12


The Oxford Reformed Christian School is a parent-run school that provides a Christian education to approximately 360 students in Kindergarten through grade 12. We teach from a distinctly Reformed Christian perspective, and strive to prepare our students with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and Biblical worldview that will allow them to excel in their future and live God-glorifying lives. The instruction provided is Christ-centered, teacher-directed, and child-oriented. To God be the honour!


The 2024-2025 year is the school’s 20th year of operation with around 360 students enrolled. Oxford Reformed Christian School is parent run and was established in the spring of 2005.

  • The school beginsThe first School Board, which consisted of members from various Reformed churches, was elected in April 2005. The Board began their work immediately, and within a few months, teachers were hired, and curriculum was chosen. On September 6, 2005, with much joy and thanksgiving, the school opened its doors to 116 students at the first location in Springford, in the basement of a church, along with several portables.

  • New building – In December of 2012, we moved to the new building that we are in today in Mt. Elgin. Since then, a second phase has been added to the east and north wings of the building, providing more classrooms.

  • The Next Phase – Our enrolment continues to grow. We are currently in the planning and fundraising stages of the next phase, to add more room classrooms for a growing school, possibly with a separate high school building.

Frequently Asked Questions

To be a member, persons must:

  1. Be a member in good standing of a Reformed Church.
  2. Adhere to the three Reformed Confessions (The Belgic Confession, the Canons of Dordt, and the Heidelberg Catechism).
  3. Apply for membership and obtain, with a signature, confirm agreement with the Constitution and By-laws.
  4. Pay the minimum membership fees as set by the School Board. This fee is included with tuition for enrolled families.
  5. Be at least 18 years of age.
    Families who do not meet the requirements above, but who still desire to have their children attend Oxford Reformed Christian School, may apply for enrolment by submitting a pre-enrolment form (found in the forms tab), sending it to secretary@orcschool.ca.

Parents are expected to involve themselves in the education of their children and, if possible, in additional school-related activities, such as volunteering for fundraiser events, committee work, attending society meetings, becoming in-school volunteers, and/or assisting the staff. Newly approved families will be given a volunteering preference form to submit with their registration package, choosing which annual event they would prefer to assist with. This is how the workload is shared, and it brings families together.

Oxford Reformed Christian School is under the jurisdiction of a member-elected School Board. The Board runs the business operations of the school. The principal is responsible for day-to-day operations and regular reports to the School Board.

Seven buses transport the students daily. The current transportation boundaries are Aylmer, Scotland, Tillsonburg, Woodstock, and Mitchell, and seem to expand every year. Transportation costs are included in tuition.

Our class sizes depend on the grade. Kindergarten through grade 8 have classes with an average of 25 to 32 students each. The secondary classes range from 5 to 30 students.

Our current enrollment is around 360 students from Kindergarten through grade 12.

Our tuition depends on which grade your oldest child is in. Please refer to the tuition section in the About Us tab for more information.




What we stand for

As our school’s name indicates, the Reformed faith is held dear to our families.